My favorite piece of technology

I have many favorite pieces of technology, the computer, the camera, the microphone and the cellphone. This time i am going to choose the cellphone this is the one i use most frequently and it has a bit of each piece mentioned above. When i was six years old i got my first cellphone, i started using it to call my parents, then for social networks, sending menssages and posting things. To this day. the main feature i look for in it's to take good photos, i use it mainly to communicate, study, work and entertain myself. It makes my life much easier to be able to do many things with a single device, it's true that sometimes it can take me away from real life, but i try to use consciously. I totally recommend using this piece of technology, because we can do everything we want, although most people already have even more than one, although we must be careful with the use that we will give it and the time that we will dedicate to it.

My cellphone


  1. my cellphone is mi fav too btw i think that we must be careful too

  2. It's similar to me regarding the camera and photos, I chose my current phone under that criteria, it's interesting to document the points of view.


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